Archive for December, 2010

Gimme POWER!

December 16, 2010

There must be something in the air this week –

Where I was working Tuesday, with no warning at all, and not even a knock on the door, Centerpoint Energy came and cut the wires to the house. No electricity at all! All of the workers on this remodel job came to an abrupt halt. Even I had to stop – kinda hard to hang wallpaper if you can’t see!

Then yesterday, while removing the cover to the breaker box so the wallpaper could go behind it, somehow the master switch to the whole house got tripped, and off went power to the entire house! The switch for some reason would not be reset. (The homeowner said they had had on-going problems.) I ended up pulling my van up to the French doors of the living room and finishing up illuminated by headlights.